Total Care Club
Keep Your A/C, Heater & Plumbing Operating At Peak Performance With Our Membership Program
Plus Get Premium Service & Savings
Most homeowners want to keep their air conditioning and heating systems maintained and operating at peak efficiency. But, let’s face it: people get busy and they forget to schedule it.
This can create big problems down the road because dirty units break down more often, cost more to operate, and need to be replaced sooner.
Hobaica’s Total Care Club maintenance program is the perfect solution because it creates an automatic process that ensures that two tune-ups a year will happen like clockwork. You’ll get two included tune-ups a year – one for the air conditioning and one for the heating – to keep your system clean and operating at peak efficiency.
In addition to maintaining your heating and cooling systems, our Total Care Club membership includes a Whole Home Plumbing Safety Inspection (upon request), discounts on plumbing repairs and exclusive pricing on drain clearing! We also include a Whole Home Electrical Safety Inspection (upon request) and discounts on electrical repairs and projects.
Discounts, Extended Warranties & More
Our Total Care Club gives you instant advantages. You’ll get discounts on all of our services, guaranteed repair response times, and extended warranties. It’s like going straight to the ‘front-of-the-line’ for VIP treatment.
Hobaica offers this program at such a great price because it’s a win-win. We can schedule your tune-ups during non-peak times, which helps us run our business. You get regular maintenance plus all the other membership benefits, and you know your home is in the hands of a trusted and proven company.
Take the worry and hassle of HVAC system maintenance off your plate… and put it on ours! Give us a call today 602-633-9555 to sign up for our Total Care Club maintenance program!