
Three Ways to Use Your Ceiling Fan in Your Phoenix Home


While many homes are equipped with ceiling fans, improper operation can actually increase your energy bill. The problem is that many individuals do not know how they should be operated to provide the greatest potential energy savings.

One of the most important things to know is that ceiling fans do no cool rooms but they can cool your body. The concept is actually simple. The movement of air causes water to evaporate from the skin sooner than when sitting in a room where air is not moving. However, moving the air in a room does not cause any cooling. Because the fan motor generates heat as it operates, ceiling fans cause a slight increase in room temperature or increase the air conditioning load. However, the cooling of the breeze on your body is typically worth the increase.

  1. Turn off the AC when a fan is sufficient. On mild days, a ceiling fan provides enough air movement to keep the body comfortable. Ceiling fans consume 97 percent less electricity than an air conditioner, making their use an obvious technique to save energy.
  2. Turn the AC thermostat to a higher setting. The natural cooling of the fan can make your body feel up to four degrees cooler than sitting in still air. In Phoenix, the difference between 90 degree and 86 degress is significant, in terms of personal comfort.  Ceiling fans give your air conditioning (and pocketbook) a much needed break during the beautiful weather of spring and fall in Phoenix.
  3. Do not operate fans in unoccupied rooms. If the room is empty, the fan is doing absolutely no good. If no one is there to feel the fan operating at full speed and the room is unoccupied, it is just increasing the electric bill without providing any benefits.

If you leave ceiling fans operating in the home, even when rooms are occupied and do not change the operation of the AC system, you simply increase your utility costs. However, using these three tactics is a proven way to lower your power bill by as much as 15 percent.

Do you have questions what might be sucking the energy out of your home? The comfort specialists at Hobaica Services are ready to help.  Follow us on Facebook for regular updates, consumer information and general fun stuff for every Home Owner.

Hobaica Services @ or 602-995-0387


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