The History Of Hobaica Services
The son of immigrants from Syria and Lebanon, Paul Hobaica came to Phoenix in the early
1920s when he was just six months old.
When Paul turned 18, he put his career thoughts on the back burner and enlisted in the United States Army to fight for our country in World War II.
In 1952 Paul opened his small, one-man operation called Hobaica Refrigeration. He ran his new company out of his home and serviced the refrigeration needs of several neighbors and local businesses.

In 1959 Paul decided to build a shop for his business in an area that at that time was outside city limits on county property. He incorporated his business and became Hobaica Refrigeration Co. Inc., and expanded his services to provide heating and air conditioning as well as refrigeration.

As his company grew, so did Paul’s family. He was a father to seven children who all worked for the family business at one point or another. Over the years, Hobaica Refrigeration became a flourishing family business as each of the children contributed under the apprenticeship of their father.

In 1990 when it came time for Paul to think about retiring, his sons Louis and Paul Jr. bought the family business. Several years later his son Mike joined the partnership. As the next Hobaica generation took the lead, the company expanded services to meet the changing heating and cooling needs of the Phoenix community.

Mike moved his family from Tuscan and joined the family business.
In 2006 the company name was officially changed to Hobaica Services Inc. to better encompass the array of services provided by this full-grown family business.

At the age of 92, Paul S. Hobaica passed away. However, with his company in the capable hands of his sons, Paul Sr.’s values continue to be a driving force for the entire Hobaica team.

Hobaica moved into its current building to provide more room for growth.

Though there have been many changes since the inception of the small refrigeration company, the original mission remains the same. We keep this in mind as we continually provide uncompromising quality and service every day to every Hobaica customer.