
Tame Runaway Power Bills With Tight Ductwork


Air ducts are used in forced air cooling and heating systems to supply conditioned air into a building. The ductwork is usually hidden in basements, attics, ceiling and inside the walls, which makes it almost impossible for the average person to notice any air leaks. When heated or cooled air leaks, not only will your utility bills skyrocket, your home will also become less comfortable to live in. For the HVAC system in your home to work efficiently, you will need air tight ductwork to deliver the air.

The following are signs of leaks and how to deal with them effectively to ensure that you have tight ductwork.

Warning Signs of Leaks

According to the DoE (United States Department of Energy), the average home loses around 20% of air through gaps, holes, cracks and poorly connected sections. You may be losing air in the ductwork if:

– Some rooms in the house are cooler than others

-You notice excessive dust build-up inside your home

– Your utility bills are highest during summer and winter

– You have flexible ducts that are tangled or kinked

How to Deal With Leaks

Since air ducts are usually concealed in hard-to-reach places, repairing them can be somewhat challenging, but there are some things that you can do to improve airflow. The best thing for you to do is seal the ducts that you can reach using mastic sealant or metal tape. You can fix disconnected sections using metal fasteners. For improved energy efficiency, add some insulation around the leaks you plug or seal

The Importance of Having Tight Ductwork

– Sealing leakages will help to significantly reduce your monthly energy bills

– Tight ductwork delivers cooled or heated air more efficiently, thereby making rooms in the  house feel more comfortable

– Tight ductwork will help to improve the quality of air in the house, thereby making your home safer and healthier to live in

If  you live in Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Chandler or Glendale and your utility bills are too high, it is too high, it’s time to call the comfort experts at Hobaica Services or visit us online at


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