
Start The New Year Off The Right Way

Mature Couple Doing Family Finances

Your 2022 Home System Maintenance Checklist

Happy New Year and welcome to 2022! Starting a new year brings anticipation, hope and excitement for things to come. And of course, the dreaded resolutions that you may or may not stick to for the rest of the year. When you’re thinking about those plans and resolutions for your upcoming year, don’t forget to consider what actions your home will need as well. 

Here at Hobaica, we are all about making those home decisions easy and smooth so you can get ahead of the game early! That is why we have created a checklist for you of maintenance items your home systems will need each year. 

Enjoy all the comforts your home can bring and ward off any unexpected breakdowns and repair bills to start your New Year off right with the help of your friendly Hobaica team today!  

1.  Dryer Vent - Clean, Clear & Safe 

When was the last time you cleaned out your dryer vent duct? If it was more than a year ago, it’s time to do it again. Or if you have a big family and are constantly doing laundry, you may need to clean out your vent twice a year.

The National Fire Protection Association estimates that over 3,000 home fires a year are caused because of lint blockages in dryer vents. Don’t risk the safety of your home and family by forgetting this essential maintenance task. 

Schedule Your Dryer Vent Cleaning Service Now

2. Kitchen Appliance Check - No More Spoiled Meals

Did you know that with regular maintenance on your kitchen appliances, you not only extend their lifespan, you save money on costly repair bills and wasted energy? Some things you can do to service your appliances include:

  • Refrigerator Coils - Professionals recommend dusting the condenser coils of your fridge once or twice a year. Typically these coils are found on the bottom of the unit. You can use a special brush specifically designed to dust the coils the right way. 
  • Oven Vent Hood Filter - While you may be more concerned with cleaning inside your oven, don’t forget to clean the outside as well. The vent filter above the oven should be cleaned or replaced once a year to help prevent a buildup of grease around the range.  

3. Plumbing Maintenance - No Leaks Allowed

How can you prevent leaks from happening before they even start? You’d be amazed at how regular maintenance on your plumbing system can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars down the road. A plumbing inspection:

  • Checks your water pressure.
  • Looks at piping connections for possible leaks or wear and tear over time. 
  • Checks your water quality. 
  • Inspects faucets, showerheads, emergency shut-off valves and more for any issues. 

Get A Complimentary Plumbing Inspection For Your Phoenix Area Home

Check out this video from Lou Hobaica on how you can further protect your home from water leaks:

HHC - Protecting Your Home From Water Leaks

4. Water Heater Flush - A Year Of Hot Showers Guaranteed

How do you keep your hot water heater from breaking down or even calling it quits? Experts recommend an annual flush of your hot water heater, whether you have a tankless or standard tank unit, to keep it running at its best. Without a regular flush and service, you run the risk of sediment building up in the system, leaving you with no hot water and an earlier than expected replacement bill. 

Get Your Water Heater Flushed For Just $38.80

5. Electrical System Check - Outlets, Breakers & Alarms

Nowadays we’re using more power than ever in our homes. How long has it been since you’ve had a certified electrician check out the electrical system that you rely on for power? Start the year off right with a whole house electrical system inspection. There’s nothing like peace of mind to begin a wonderful 2022. 

Free Whole Home Electrical Safety Inspection Coupon

6. Heating & Cooling System Maintenance - Year-Round Home Comfort

Our professional air conditioning and furnace technicians are experts when it comes to your home’s comfort. When you perform regular maintenance on your HVAC system, you ensure your unit is working effectively and efficiently the entire year. 

Sign Up For Regular HVAC Maintenance With Our Total Care Club

Looking Forward To A Bright New Year!

Doesn’t it feel good to check things off your list? 

With regular maintenance from Hobaica Services, you won’t have to worry about your home systems all year long. After a few years of uncertainty in the world, we’re happy to help bring you peace of mind when it comes to your home, not only this year, but for years to come.

Happy 2022 from your friendly team at Hobaica! Contact us anytime for your home maintenance needs. 

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