
Small drips can create big problems


Is your Air Conditioning leaking water again?

AC drips are an indicator of a clogged drain line, and could mean a serious underlying issue.  A call to an HVAC professional as soon as you discover an air conditioner leaking is a very smart move.  This ensures the system continues to work correctly while avoiding water damage to the surrounding areas.

Air Conditioning Leaking — Cause and effect

The central air conditioning in your home has two drain lines.  The primary one runs outside the home by use of a condensate pump or gravity.  But there is also an emergency drain, there just in case a clog develops in the main line.  The secondary drain could run outside the home or be equipped with a switch.  While this drain is designed to prevent emergencies and leaks, it can also become clogged.  If either or both lines are clogged, it is easy to develop a water problem.  Consider the following issues contributing to clogged condensate lines:

HVAC systems, when operated in the cooling mode remove humidity from the air by way of condensation.  When drain lines are clogged, the drip pan quickly fills with water and overflow into the home.  The overflow can occur no matter where the evaporator unit is placed.  Since most are placed out of sight, water problems sometimes go unnoticed until serious damage develops.

Air Conditioning Leaking — Professional solutions

The only way to ensure leaks do not develop is through regularly scheduled AC maintenance service.

Homeowners should expect the following when the maintenance technician provides service.

Regular maintenance of an HVAC system is the key to extending its life and minimizing electric bills.  Owners who do not schedule regular maintenance are more likely to experience breakdowns during the hot days of summer or the cold nights of winter, leaving you uncomfortable and frustrated until repairs can be made.

Do you have questions about the regular maintenance of your AC System? The comfort specialists at Hobaica Services are ready to help.

Hobaica Services @ or 602-995-0387


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