
Raving Fans is a Way of Life at Hobaica Services


Hobaica Services has been a leader in the HVAC industry for 59 years; this alone is quite a feat. In that time, they have built a reputation for quality customer service, and gained the trust, loyalty and respect of their customers as well as the community they serve.

Raving Fans

Hobaica values feedback from its customers regarding all aspects of their HVAC service. Customer feedback is so important that we established feature on our website called “Raving Fans.”  At “Raving Fans”, you can hear actual Hobaica customers talk about their HVAC service call experiences.

The technicians are repeatedly described as “professional”, “knowledgeable”, “courteous”, “polite”, and “personable.” Customers go on about the level of service that they received and speak about the technicians as if they are family.

We literally receive between 250-300 of these calls every month!  Then we award our employees for Raving Fan calls.  The awards have been large enough to fund vacations, contribute to large family purchases and create unshakable happiness for the winners of Raving Fan dollars!

We are so proud and honored to have customers like Ida Charles, Hobaica Customer since 1970 . . .

Ida Charles jumped at the chance to relocate to sunny Scottsdale to escape the brutal Wyoming winters when her husband received a job offer in the Valley in 1970.

Shortly after the move, Ida met a woman she described as “honest, charming and open”.  That woman was Elizabeth Hobaica, wife of Paul Hobaica, the founder of Hobaica Services.  The two became friends, and in the early years and circulated together volunteering for various charity organizations. On the occasion when Ida needed service on her air conditioning, Paul Hobaica was her first call and thus began a 40 year relationship with one company.

If only it were that simple . . .

While there are many mile stones which validate a customer’s loyalty to one company or another, there are also unexpected actions which touch the lives of other human beings and become an imprint of that person’s character.  Ida shared a story from the early 80s when she was working at a local shelter which served battered and abused women.

It was summer and the shelter had been nursing along an old AC unit for several years. The unit finally succumbed to its work load and died a painful death, leaving the staff and the women they served in a very hot and uncomfortable building.

The shelter operated on a shoe string already and there were simply no funds for a potentially large, unexpected expense like a new Air Conditioning unit.  Ida was given the task of “convincing” an air conditioning company to provide service and/or a new unit as a donation.  The odds were stacked against Ida’s mission. In fact, there was even an office pool betting against Ida’s ability to get the job done and not spend any money.

Ida spent a long hot day calling, vendor after vendor trying to get a new AC unit or service through the goodness of someone’s heart.  Time after time each company offered quotes and estimates and even some sympathy but would not offer the service or unit replacement for free, regardless of the cause or those being impacted by the heat.

By 6pm that evening, Ida was tired, hot and knew it was time to make an uncomfortable call to a friend.  She finally called Elizabeth Hobaica, who immediately put Paul Sr. on the phone.  Ida explained the situation to Paul, and was expecting another gracious “I’m sorry, but we can’t do that” type of response. Instead Paul simply said “why are we wasting time on the phone, I am on the way.”

Ida says “there is a lot of beauty in simply being nice and helpful; the Hobaica family lives that and its part of their company.”  Ida went on to say, “being loyal is easy when you see all the ways a company gives back to their community.”

Ida remains one of our favorite customers and we are honored to know her and have her loyalty for the past 40 years.  We look forward to serving her and her family for the next 40 years as well.

During the current economic times, it is comforting to know that one company has what could be considered by some as “old fashioned values”.  Hobaica was founded on the principle of treating others the way you would like to be treated, or the “Golden Rule” and 59 years later, they haven’t changed.

You see, Raving Fans isn’t just gathering testimonials.  Raving Fans is truly the foundation of our company.  If you would like to experience the Hobaica difference contact us at 602-995-0387 or visit us on the web at


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