
Fans Add Comfort to Your Home


It may seem pointless to use a ceiling fan while your air conditioner is running, but ceiling fans can actually significantly increase the comfort level in your home and plus, help you save energy. (Saving energy is a code word for saving money!)

Moving air creates a wind chill effect, which makes the air feel cooler than it actually is.  This cooling effect will allow you to raise the thermostat up as much as 4 degrees, reducing your kilowatt usage.

Purchasing a ceiling fan that has bi-directional blades can add to your savings. In the summer, the fan can be used at the normal setting, circulating the cool air from your A/C.  In the winter, the setting can be changed to create an up draft that will push the rising warm air from your heating system closer to the floor keeping the room temperature comfortable; again, saving energy costs.

Here are some considerations when purchasing a ceiling fan:

It is important to remember that ceiling fans don’t actually change the temperature in a room; they just change the way it feels to you, so turning fans off when leave your home for the day also saves energy.

If you’re not sure which ceiling fans are right for your home, one of our Electrical Comfort Specialist will be happy to visit with you during a Comfort Evaluation.


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