
Copper Theft in Phoenix


Copper theft is fast becoming a nationwide problem due to the rising prices of this precious metal. The cases of theft usually involve any product that has copper content in it, but air conditioners are now becoming an easy target for thieves since AC units are typically outside and on the ground.

Evaluating the price of copper theft

Homeowners usually pay the greater cost when they lose their air conditioning units to thieves. These thieves can make around $150 per residential air conditioner. However, the price can escalate up to $300 for large commercial air conditioners for very little effort on the part of the thief.

Copper theft and vandalism are typically covered under a traditional home owner insurance policy, however, the home owner is still responsible to pay the deductible even if the insurance company agrees to replace the entire unit.

How to prevent copper theft

Like with most risks, prevention is the best policy and best way to save yourself from the headache and violation that any type of theft can create.

Hiding the air conditioning unit from the public

Unlike other parts of the country, the majority of Phoenix homes have a fenced back yard and ground units are usually located inside the of the fence.  That alone provides one level of security.  Adding a lock to your gate, adds a second layer of security.  Remember, thieves in general look for what is easy, so a locked gate and a separate gate by the unit, can easily make a thieve move on to a home where he can walk right through.

Installing lights

Thieves are always afraid of being noticed and the best way to expose their activities is by introducing light around their targets. Thieves leverage the cover of darkness to hide their activities. A motion activated light can make your unit too much of a challenge for thief and they might move on where they can find the darkness they need.


This process involves the creation and installation of a lockable cage that surrounds the air conditioner. Most thieves will not even attempt to break through cages, its simply too difficult giving the payout for the copper.  Cages have an added benefit, as they also protects the air conditioner from  branches, debris and keeps the pets from digging or marking the unit, which also causes a lot damage.

Vacant Homes

Vacant homes or those owned by seasonal visitors are especially vulnerable to theft, not just of copper but vandalism and break-ins as well.  Having a management company, security or a reliable neighbor making regular checks on the property is very important.  A unit that is dismantled for copper theft and then left unattended and exposed to weather for several months before being discovered can cause a higher level of damage to the unit and more costly repairs.

Call the Comfort Specialists at Hobaica Services to help you determine the best security for your unit and the logical steps you can take to protect your Phoenix home from copper theft.

Hobaica Services has been serving Arizona since 1952 and has a stellar reputation for performing above industry standards, providing a worry free experience and enjoying hundreds of referrals every month from customers who have trusted our team for over 60 years.

Contact Hobaica Services today for your Comfort Evaluation @ or 602-995-0387


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