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Whether you are building a new home or remodeling your existing one, keep in mind that your home is a functional, engineered system, not just…
Not all air-conditioning systems are the same. Some systems are cheaper to purchase but require more electricity, resulting in higher utility bills each month. Then,…
It may seem pointless to use a ceiling fan while your air conditioner is running, but ceiling fans can actually significantly increase the comfort level…
The Air Conditioning Unit in your home is a big investment. So, you want to keep it running efficiently at the minimum expense. Let’s face…
The “HEPA" in HEPA air filters stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air A true HEPA filter is widely regarded as the ultimate filter. HEPA filters…
In October 2010 Phoenix experienced a freak hail storm that wreaked havoc on roofs, cars and thousands of air conditioning units in Central and West…
Use an automatic setback thermostat! If you keep your temperature at 78° when you’re at home, and then 85° when you’re not. You will…
In Arizona, air conditioning is a serious matter. When your home air conditioning unit is not running efficiently, not only are you in danger of…
Is Your Indoor Air Clean? Did you know that we spend more than 70% of our lives inside our homes? Oddly enough, the air in…
Monsoons & Your A/C Unit Our monsoon season has arrived and so has the late afternoon and early evening monsoons…don’t you just love it? Unfortunately,…